STRIKES MARCH. While several sectors embarked on a renewable strike in early March, the interprofessional called on Tuesday March 7 for two new major strike days on March 11 and then March 15.

[Updated March 10, 2023 at 7:17 p.m.] The start of the school year in Zone C has marked the hardening of the protest movement against the pension reform project, examined in recent days in the Senate. Even before the big day of mobilization organized by the inter-union on March 7, several sectors have thus embarked on a renewable strike. This was the case with truckers, from the evening of March 5, with refuellers, responsible for refueling planes at airports, and in chemicals (including refineries) from March 6, or even on the side of the RATP, SNCF, garbage collectors and ports, from March 7.

It should be noted, however, that on Thursday March 9, at the RATP, the unions, which RMC echoed, let it be known that the renewable strike was finally put on hold until the next interprofessional strike day of March 15, and this, despite the other national and inter-professional day of strike orchestrated by the inter-union on Saturday February 11. For its part, the CGT federation of ports and docks, which spoke a few days earlier of a renewable strike, launched, also on Thursday, a new call for mobilization for March 14, 15 and 16, as reported by L’Obs .

On the other hand, at the SNCF, the movement continues and the weekend of March 11 and 12 promises to be still complicated for travelers, with around half of the TGVs and Ouigos removed, but also some disruptions on the side of the Paris RERs. . Same observation on the aviation side where companies were asked to cancel nearly 20% of their flights on Saturday and Sunday at several airports, including those of Orly, Marseille, Nantes, Toulouse and Bordeaux for the day of Saturday, and Orly, Marseille and Toulouse for that of Sunday, details in particular TF1 Info.

The inter-union formalized the continuation of the strike movement against the pension reform on the evening of March 7, after the day of strike and after an inter-union meeting. Confirming the rumors of the corridors, the union representatives have set the date of Saturday February 11 for the seventh day of mobilization.

This is the second mobilization organized over a weekend and it is undoubtedly inspired by the “success” of the day of February 11. “February 11 […] allowed families and workers who cannot strike to participate in the movement. It would be useful to reproduce an event like this”, confided a trade unionist to the Parisian. If the pattern is the same, do not expect strikes but rather hundreds of demonstrations organized throughout France to protest against the bill.

The March strikes continue with a new date set for March 15, the day when the joint joint committee will try to find an agreement between senators and deputies to vote on the pension reform. The social movement could extend beyond mid-March, at least until the 26th, the date on which the debates in Parliament will have to end. But the battle of the unions will certainly not be over by then, especially if their demands are still not heard.