According to the Highway Code, three exemptions exist and only these cyclists have the right to ride on the sidewalk.
Traveling by bike in the city is becoming more and more popular. Ecological, economical and good for your health, they help avoid traffic jams. But for peaceful cohabitation between all road users, cyclists and pedestrians, it is essential to know the traffic rules well. The basic principle is simple: sidewalks are for pedestrians only. Cyclists must therefore travel on the roadway, favoring, if possible, cycle facilities where they exist (cycle paths or lanes).
In their absence, they drive on the right part of the road. Some limited traffic zones are also open to them under conditions: 30 zones, meeting zones (with speed limited to 20 km/h and priority for pedestrians), pedestrian areas (walking traffic). To park, cyclists must use dedicated spaces as a priority so as not to disturb pedestrians on the sidewalks. Parking your bicycle on the sidewalk is generally permitted, provided it does not obstruct traffic on the sidewalk.
But what about cycling on sidewalks? The Highway Code with its article R412 is clear: it is prohibited, with three very specific exceptions. Any cyclist found in violation is liable to a fixed fine of 135 euros. However, a holder of a car driving license will not lose points if he is found guilty of this offense while cycling.
What are the exemptions? The first exception concerns children under 8 years old. Deemed more vulnerable, they are authorized to ride on the sidewalk, provided they adopt a reasonable pace and do not disturb pedestrians. Mayors may, however, take contrary measures.
Second exception: when the cyclist dismounts and pushes his bike by hand. Once on the ground, he is then considered a pedestrian and can use the sidewalk. Finally, a cyclist can ride on a sidewalk outside a built-up area only if the roadway is paved or under construction. This exemption does not apply if it is towing a trailer. Apart from these three cases, cyclists must refrain from using sidewalks. These spaces are dedicated to pedestrians to ensure their safety. The most vulnerable users, they must be able to travel there without risk of collision.