A Skiing kid … thank you wanted to cross at the time of their departure on the lower mountain in an avalanche bar and unbuckled their Skis. With dire consequences.

Marktschellenberg – The BRK Berchtesgadener Land reports: use of force, the mountain rescue Marktschellenberg have saved on Friday night, a seriously injured 51-year-old Ski kid … thank you from the Salzburger Land, at the time of departure of the Toni-Lenz-hut on the Southeast side of the extended sub-mount their Skis to traverse to the avalanche line, on the frozen, wet snow was slipping and about 50 meters over a rock came trough crashed.

On Friday heard a Native to about 16.15 strange Call in the area of the talnahen route to the ice cave. A in the neighborhood based mountain rescue man did not want to cause unexplained for use, and broch, to the Situation on the ground.

Ski touring, kid … thank you plunging 50 feet deep on the under – mount large-scale operation

A female Ski mountaineers, to the left of the Toni-Lenz-Hütte, had pulled out to Cross an avalanche stroke your skis, went on the frozen, wet snow-avalanche and lost. She fell about 50 feet above a rock dropped trough and remained fortunately. She was wearing a helmet. A few meters further it would have crashed again dig much deeper into the underlying Rottmann.

The help come other ski chosen climber, to cross the following avalanche in order to facilitate the use of forces for the further transport. They were watching for the Arrival of the mountain-man’s already on the last meters to the snow-covered forest road.

The patient suffered from great pain, was supported by the first responders – on their own power. The mountain rescuers who had left to explore, agreed against 17.20 the monitoring station of Traunstein. The alerted mountain rescue-readiness Marktschellenberg from advanced with six men and an ambulance.

supplied the patient notärztlich to storing it in a easy to carry and transported. The country’s rescue service of the Red cross took charge of the seriously injured, and then delivered them to the Salzburg accident and emergency hospital. In addition to the eight forces, the mountain rescue, a Patrol of the Berchtesgaden police and rescue cars-the crew of the Red cross involved.

also read: About Bayrischzell: tourist abbreviation “” and plunges 50 metres deep – large of use