A fierce Fund, a Russian walkers in Siberia. He stumbled upon a giant wolf’s head from the ice age.

Siberia – At the sight of it is likely to have a stroller in Siberia quite scared. Pavel Efimov is reported on the river Bank of the Tirekhtyakh river in Yakutia, Russia, with a 40-centimeter-long wolf skull, such as the Siberian Times now. Happened the summer of the Fund in the past. However, it is not yet fierce: The skull is only giant, but also a relic of the ice age.

All the 40,000 years he was frozen in the river. Therefore, the look is given a skull, even today, extremely good – the wolf’s fur is almost without bald Spots, the impressive fangs are still intact.

researchers are of the sensational discovery in Siberia thrilled

The researchers are excited about this Fund Because of the skull gives you an idea of how big the animal itself once must have been. “This is a unique discovery of an adult Pleistocene wolf with the preserved tissue,” said Albert protopopoff, a paleontologist at the Republic of Sakha Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Times. The Wolf was growing after his death and for about two to four years old. The newspaper published photos of the predator on Twitter.

Urwolf probably twice as big as wolves from the current time

on the Basis of 800 grams heavy skull, the researchers want to reconstruct the development of the species. “We are going to compare him with modern wolves, in order to understand how the Art has developed,” explains protopopoff his project. Obviously, wolves have shrunk over the millennia, namely. Today’s animals are only about 66 to 86 centimeters in length, found in the ancient wolf, however, was about twice as large.

In a Zoo in Dresden, a penguin-Drama was because of jealousy, there are four of them died from. In the case of Leipzig a case of animal cruelty rocked the city, small birds were alive immured.