A thirty-year-old man died following his arrest by the police during which he received around ten taser shocks. The police officers involved were interviewed by the police who were contacted.

A thirty-year-old man died following his arrest, in Montfermeil (Seine-Saint-Denis), on the night of Wednesday January 3 to Thursday January 4. First placed at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital on Thursday, the man died of his injuries on Friday, January 5, in the morning, announced the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. During his arrest, he received around ten electric shock gun discharges, according to information from AFP, from the Bobigny public prosecutor’s office. Six police officers allegedly used their tasers, according to initial information from the prosecution.

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, shortly after midnight, a shopkeeper at a small grocery store on rue Henri-Barbusse called the police because he was unable to control a man who was “intoxicated and very aggressive and was creating disorder.” present in his store. A first patrol from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) went to the scene but the individual “did not calm down”, indicates a source close to the investigation to Le Parisien. She adds that the police officers on site “talked at length with him, but were unable to reason with him”. The individual still refuses to leave the store when the police decide to act, followed by a fight during which “a police officer is bitten on the finger and kicked in the face”, according to the same source. .

Reinforcements are therefore called to the scene. A total of 18 officials were present at the scene. To try to control it, several of them use their electric pulse gun, causing “one, then two cardiac arrests”. The man, then unconscious, was immediately transported to the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in Paris (13th century), where he died the next morning. Two investigations were opened. The police, the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), was contacted to shed light on the circumstances of his death. The police have already been questioned for “potential acts of violence by a person holding public authority”, according to the Bobigny public prosecutor’s office. At the same time, a judicial investigation into acts of violence against the police officers was entrusted to the territorial security of Seine-Saint-Denis.