Jobs at fast-food chains like McDonald’s don’t exactly have the best Image. But the group at least paid well? How much salary earn cashier and fry cook?

Stress, shift work and stinking frying fat: A Job at McDonald’s, not for outsiders just tempting. For many professionals with and without training in the system gastronomy is a good way to earn money. But how high is the salary in the fast-food giant really?

salary at McDonald’s: So much the cashier and fry cook

The salary at McDonald’s is governed by the collective agreement of the Federal Association of system gastronomy (bdS). The E opening content is still manageable and is with nine EUR per hour just above the current minimum wage of 8,84 Euro (as of 2018).

How much you earned in training at McDonald’s

McDonald’s but employs only unskilled workers. According to its website, McDonald’s offers three training , for the aspiring trainees either a graduation or a school in need of completion:

training to become a specialist in the hospitality industry, training as an expert for system gastronomy, as well as training & technical high school readiness/r expert for system gastronomy.

All three training programs have a duration three years and to be paid in accordance with the Tariff :

year of training

Monthly salary (gross)

1. Year of training

750 Euro

2. Year of training

840 Euro

3. Year of training

940 Euro

source: McDonald’s Germany

Up to 1. January 2019, increases the salary of the trainees in all three years of Training to 60 Euro.

interesting : salary and wages – What’s the difference?

salary at McDonald’s is governed by a twelve-tariff groups

McDonald’s there are a total of seven different levels for employees , within which you ascend after:

1. Crew

2. Crew Trainer

3. Crew Chief

4. Shift leader (shift Manager)

5. (First) Assistant Manager

6. Restaurant Manager

7. Mid-Manager

The higher you ascend, the more employees earn. The image was reported from a total of twelve tariff groups , in the staff depending on responsibilities and seniority.

the lowest level (Crew), in the staff about the Burger cook or the cashier work, climbing Team members, with nine EUR per hour . In this collective group should be engaged according to the Online Portal of 60 percent of all employees . One reason for this is the high turnover among the employees, a Union spokesman. In the next higher pay grade employees should be able to move ahead after a year.

Who has managed to salary level Six, then you already earn 12,46 euros per hour (from 1. January 2019: 13,37 Euro). If it goes according to plan, at McDonald’s (and other restaurants) max 19,68 EUR per hour . Executives can earn through non-company content agreements but Bets10 significantly more money.

also read: are the best-paid professions in Germany.

So much the shift Manager and earn Team Manager at the Burger giant

Who’s rising at McDonald’s, earned more money. According to the content platform Glassdoor Manager and restaurant Manager, the following salaries are about to layer in here:

career level

annual salary (gross)

incl. Surcharges

hourly wage

incl. Surcharges

(in the case of a 40-hour week)

shift leader

22.800 Euro.

11,87 Euro.

the Restaurant or team Manager

up to a total of 69,000 Euro.

28,75 Euro

The information on Glassdoor come from the employees themselves, McDonald’s can’t confirm this, however. The reason: Approximately 90 percent of all McDonald’s stores would be franchise operated , which would give the group any insight into the salary structures of borrowers.

“in Addition to the collective-bargaining agreement, the collective bargaining agreement shall continue to apply. Here are other supplements such as more work, night work, holiday pay, holiday pay and Annual bonuses for our employees collectively. In addition, of course, other voluntary benefits can be offered,” said a spokesperson to the star.

read More: McDonald’s employees from the pack: These Horror stories we experience with clients.

McDonald’s deserves, in spite of the customer influx is significantly less

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