The opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup will take place just before the France – New Zealand match under the leadership of Jean Dujardin.
It is tradition. Before each start of the competition, the host country organizes an opening ceremony. For the Rugby World Cup, it will be directed by Oscar-winning actor Jean Dujardin. Passionate about rugby, he was registered by his parents just like his brothers from an early age before choosing a different voice. Despite this career choice, he was always very close to the middle of the oval as Antoine Dupont explained a few years ago. “He’s been following us since the 2020 VI Nations tournament,” explained the captain of the XV of France to GQ. “He’s a rugby fan to the core, and I think he’s learned to love the team over the last few months. He writes to me before and after every match.”
After having co-written the ceremony with show designer Olivier Ferracci and director Nora Matthey of l’Endroit, Jean Dujardin will be one of the main incarnations in order to highlight “the know-how and the art to live French”. In total, 33 renowned guests will represent the gastronomic, sporting and artistic know-how of France, not to mention the 200 volunteers present on the lawn. As mentioned by Le Parisien, actor and director Philippe Lacheau, star dancer Alice Renavand, chef Guy Savoy should be there, as should singer Vianney, Zazie, Zaz or pastry chef Pierre Hermé.
Grichka Caruge, the Angoumois dancer, choreographed the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup, he the world hip-hop champion in 2009.
“We are honored to have Jean Dujardin leading the Opening Ceremony of Rugby World Cup 2023. His immense talent, creativity and passion for the arts and our sport will undoubtedly create an extraordinary and immersive experience for spectators at the whole world.
Jean Dujardin has a staging vision that will make the Opening Ceremony not only a spellbinding spectacle, showcasing the best of France’s heritage and its deep-rooted love of rugby, but also the collaborative efforts and the unwavering enthusiasm of everyone working behind the scenes to deliver the most memorable Rugby World Cup for fans ever.
On behalf of World Rugby, I would like to warmly thank Jean Dujardin, his team and the 200 volunteers for their invaluable dedication to ensuring that this Opening Ceremony is an unforgettable moment that will pave the way for an exceptional tournament.” Sir Bill BEAUMONT President of World Rugby.