REDESIGN. A little over a year after his re-election, and after a trying sequence on pension reform, Emmanuel Macron could be tempted (or forced) to revitalize his five-year term by reshuffling his government. Some are already trying to position themselves.

Lack of incarnation, notoriety, not enough “boxers” ready to descend into the arena, “cannonballs” when they appear publicly… Most of Emmanuel Macron’s ministers are crumbling under the incessant flood of criticism. If only some manage to keep their heads above water, the Borne government does not print in public opinion. To the point that for some, “Macron has no choice but to move”, as a Renaissance executive (ex-LREM) told Le Parisien. “We need warriors” launches a Macronist deputy in L’Opinion. But will the President of the Republic make a reshuffle? And who could surround him to continue his mandate, a year after his re-election?

First of all, it is impossible to imagine a reshuffle in the days to come, that is to say in less than a month. At the end of the sequence on the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron took the floor to define the major projects to be carried out in the next 100 days, promising to make an initial assessment on the occasion of July 14. The Head of State, who reinforced Elisabeth Borne at Matignon after the adoption of the controversial text on 64 years, will therefore not, in the near future, dismiss his Prime Minister to whom he has entrusted a roadmap. But after ? This is the great unknown. The deadline for senatorial elections at the end of September is mentioned. As for that of the European elections of June 2024, it seems too far away.

The President of the Republic has always supported his head of government, despite some deviations made by the one who was his minister during his first five-year term. His remarks on the links between the RN and Pétain made the Elysée tenant jump, who recalled the course of action to take: attack the Marinists on their program and not their past. A development perceived as “a way to give her a little pressure, in case she thinks that she is comfortably installed to last” according to one of those present around the table at the time of the facts. If some even see signs of weakening, at this stage, nothing really takes shape around a change of Prime Minister. Especially since no CV really seems to be at the top of the pile.

On the other hand, to settle in the ministries, the suitors are not lacking. Above all, the replacement of most members of the government would not be experienced as an earthquake by the French. Let’s dismiss the Le Maire, Darmanin, Dupont-Moretti, Attal or even Véran in the front line during the previous mandate, no one permeates with the population. And even internally, according to an elected official of the majority. “The other day, Marc Ferracci (Renaissance MP) did not even recognize Sonia Backès (Secretary of State for Citizenship)!”, He laughs in L’Obs.

Some Macronists are therefore pushing to move the lines. “Macron has no other choice” launches one of them to the weekly, pleading for “a tighter and more identified team”, a colleague who agrees with La Dépêche du Midi: ” We need more political profiles. An incarnation in Health and Education is necessary.” The episode of Pap Ndiaye remaining on a train because of the presence of demonstrators on his arrival left many people close to power stunned.

So who to take a morocco? Names of deputies such as those of Aurore Bergé (president of the Renaissance group in the Assembly), Guillaume Kasbarian (president of the Economic Affairs Committee), Saché Houlié (of that of Laws), Florent Boudié, Maud Bregeon or even Marie Lebec are quoted by L’Opinion. What if the Senate also became a breeding ground? Mathieu Lefèvre and Louis Margueritte could be in the race. For what positions? The time is not there. But, with discretion to try not to get burned, everyone tries quietly to place their pawns.