Traveling in New Caledonia, returning to these lands dear to the former Prime Minister that he was, Edouard Philippe said he wanted to “be a candidate” in the next presidential elections in 2027.

From Mr. Prime Minister to Mr. President. Traveling in New Caledonia since Thursday March 21, Edouard Philippe has left little room for doubt. He wants to “be a candidate” for the 2027 presidential election, reports Le Figaro, and “to be a candidate, you have to prepare for it”, declared the former Prime Minister according to the daily. He is “preparing” for it assiduously, confirms the Outre-mer channel La Première.

After the Meeting, at the end of February, the mayor of Le Havre and president of the Horizons party continued his tour of the overseas territories by coming to “take the pulse” with the Caledonians. “When you have national ambitions, you have to be interested in people,” he said in response to a question in front of an assembly of young people gathered in a café-restaurant. The formula clearly explains the objectives of the former Prime Minister, who admits that his ambitions are mixed with “national deadlines”. At the microphone of local radio station Radio Rythme Bleu, this Friday March 22, he also admitted that he was thinking “about a way of offering a certain number of elements to the French”.

During his stay in Matignon, Édouard Philippe visited the island three times, notably to participate in the constitutional reform process. “I am very happy to come back here, basically to continue a conversation that I started with New Caledonia when I was Prime Minister, to listen, learn, reflect. […] I am very attached to this island” , he explained to journalists from Overseas La Première. Until Tuesday March 26, the presumed presidential candidate plans to honor around ten meetings, from the north to the south of New Caledonia. On the program for these meetings, the president of Horizons wishes to address “schools, agriculture, economic strategy, tourism”. “All these subjects matter in daily life, perhaps even more than the institutional question and the nickel,” he said.