This Fund is the police in a car on the A9 in the North of Bavaria surprised even hardened experts. For two boys of the case could be bad.

Naila – In the case of a control on the motorway 9 in the case of Naila (district court) have found police officers in a car, a grenade launcher and an airsoft assault rifle.

The guns were in the car of a 20-Year-old with a 19-year-old passenger, the police announced on Saturday.

Incredible Sites on the A9 in Bavaria: the owner could go to jail

The two weapons were confiscated at the time of control on Friday afternoon. In the case of the grenade launcher, it is checked whether it falls under the war weapons control act.

The two men would have given to have the guns a week ago, bought it, said a police spokesman. What you intend to do so, they said. The grenade launcher should be classified as a weapon of war, threatening the men a prison sentence.


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