BREVET MATHS 2023. The college patent mathematics test is scheduled for June 26. Check out the first topics dropped during this DNB session as well as probable topics and useful annals.

[Updated June 21, 2023 at 5:03 p.m.] Known to be demanding, she is often feared by students. Capital to get your college diploma, the math test is evaluated on 100 points (out of 400 points to be obtained at least). In 2023, the math test is scheduled for Monday, June 26, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. What topics can be expected for this exam session?

Find below the notions of mathematics which are likely to be covered in the exercises of the 2023 college patent test, and train with the subjects already dropped in foreign examination centers this year!

Last year, the math test at DNB consisted of five exercises, scored out of 20 points each. As usual in class, many exercises were based on simulations. Thus, the students were called upon, through their knowledge of mathematics, to solve problems on a distribution of Pokémon cards or to fix a leak in a bathroom.

Middle school students from foreign centers in North America took the Brevet 2023 exams from May 31 to June 1, and in particular those of math, which are part of the four compulsory written exams of the patent. They worked through five exercises, the first involving various math questions; the second, dealing with geometric figures; the third on percentage changes and averages; the fourth was block programming; and the fifth on the track of a racetrack constituting a geometric area. Check out the full quiz topic below:

In Group 1 overseas examination centers (Europe, Africa, Middle East, etc.), middle school students residing abroad take their exam in advance, providing their peers back in France with a good way to revise. Students attending overseas colleges in Group 1 took their math test on June 14. Five exercises were proposed, the first was a MCQ; the second a geometry exercise with a section on volumes; the third on calculation programs and equations; the fourth on probabilities and decompositions into products of prime factors; and the fifth on functions. Check out the full test topic below:

During the patent mathematics test, students are assessed on the concepts they have studied since 5th grade. The objective is also to check that they have mastered the skills “research”, “modelling”, “representing”, “reasoning”, “calculating” and “communicating”. It is therefore important to keep in mind that, during the math test, the corrector will not mark you only on the fact that you obtained the correct result, but also on the reasoning which led you to obtain this result, and the clarity with which you presented your development.

The online tutoring site has compiled a list of math concepts that should most likely be part of the exercises for the 2023 patent math test. Here they are:

In addition to these “very likely subjects” for the 2023 patent math test, notes fractions as “probable subjects”, and geometric transformations as “unlikely subjects” as well as geometry lessons relating to spheres and balls. But these concepts can very well be approached in a succinct way in an exercise relating to a more important subject. Finally, the online tutoring site recommends to revise your notions of numerical calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), but also to know the different sizes and measures and to know how to convert them between them. Enough to allow you to approach the math test with serenity and, above all, by putting the odds on your side!

Each year, the corrected subjects are particularly sought at the end of the tests, the candidates trying to anticipate their mark by comparing the answers they have delivered with those proposed by the correctors. And generally, the corrected maths are not debatable. Discover below the 2022 math answers (general patent and professional patent), made available by our partner Studyrama:

As every year, during the college patent exams, we distributed copies of the 2022 patent mathematics subjects with our partner Studyrama. Here are all the exercises proposed for the general certificate and the professional certificate and the problems posed to candidates in 2022:

At the patent, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a counting of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the patent. A minimum of 400 out of 800 points is required to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can earn mentions: you need at least 480 for the mention fairly well, at least 560 for the mention well, and 640 for the mention very well. The math test can be worth up to 100 points, so it’s very important.

The results of the patent will be unveiled in early July. According to the academies, the date of communication differs. For 2023, it is expected that the results of the patent of the colleges will be communicated between Friday July 7 and Tuesday July 11, 2023. winners in their college. The academies, in conjunction with schools and local elected officials – mayors, departmental councillors, etc. – organize, each year, an official presentation of the diplomas obtained the previous year.