A young man from Ingolstadt has been missing for days. Then passers-by gave in Pfaffenhofen the decisive note.

Update 21. January, 14.44 at: informs the police of Ingolstadt, was taken up for the missing 25-Year-old on Friday after a note from the population in the city of Pfaffenhofen.

The police turned to the Public

Ingolstadt – Since Wednesday evening (16. January) is missing a 25-year-old Ingolstadt. He was last seen against 19.45 clock in the hospital in Ingolstadt. The police has now turned to the Public and asks for help in this matter.

Brucker, branch Manager explains: “The bald bandit attacked me”

a Total of eleven acts he is supposed to have committed, the offender is still on the run. Now a branch Manager reported about the terrible Robbery in a circle Fuerstenfeldbruck (Merkur.de).

Ajass A. (32) missing: What happened with the man in the new year’s eve?

In Lübeck is missing Ajass A. (32) since new year’s eve. The police are looking for a photo of the young man and has an urgent appeal to the population.

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*Merkur.de is part of the Federal-wide editorial network of the Ippen-Digital-Central editorial office