This Friday, July 7 marks the last day of the main intake phase. While more than 80,000 candidates still do not have an assignment offer, a new step will allow them to formulate new wishes.

[Updated July 7, 2023 at 12:15 p.m.] The main admission phase on Parcoursup ends this Friday, July 7, 2023. Candidates have until 11:59 p.m. to confirm or not the admissions proposals received. And many students still don’t have an assignment offer. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, as of Thursday, July 6, 84,811 candidates had no job offers, out of a total of 917,000 candidates. Last year, on the same date, they were 94,187 awaiting proposals, out of a total of 936,000 candidates. Eventually, 74,000 of them had received a proposal during the complementary phase.

The additional admission phase, which is open from June 15 to September 12, consists of entering new wishes to receive new admission proposals. This phase is dedicated to those who have only received negative or unsatisfactory responses, or who have missed the mark of their registration. During this “second chance session”, candidates can apply for courses that still have places, with the same rules of the game as in the previous procedure, but in an accelerated version. These candidates can make up to ten wishes, they must now rank their wishes in order of preference.

This phase should allow candidates who have not received a response to find an establishment for next year, by offering remaining places in certain courses. Another solution: since July 1, students can also apply to the higher education access commission of their academy, to help them find training. Here is the procedure to follow depending on the answers you receive (or not).

In the event of a “definitive yes”, each candidate can only keep one “yes”. If you don’t get your preferred choice the first time, however, you can still hold wishes pending. So there is no need to rush to answer. When you are sure of your choice, you can confirm your wish. You then do not need to unsubscribe from Parcoursup, just complete your administrative registration before the end of July in order to be definitively accepted in your new training.

It is indeed a yes, the student who has made this choice is accepted in the chosen training. But the student then agrees to follow a refresher course or courses adapted to his profile, from the start of the school year.

If accepted while waiting for a place, students can follow their progress on the waiting list on a daily basis and assess the likelihood of being admitted to a course. You can only accept one admissions proposal at a time. It is possible to accept an admission proposal (so as not to be left with nothing) and to maintain the “pending” wish(s) that interest you at the same time.

If you do not yet have any admission proposals, your wishes are automatically maintained. You can renounce a wish at any time if you are no longer interested in it. If one of your wishes on the waiting list becomes a positive response, you will be informed by email in real time, as well as via the Parcoursup application. If you validate this same wish, you must then think of validating yourself the maintenance of your other wishes pending. Otherwise, they will be lost.

N.B.: it is your position on the call list compared to the rank of the last called in 2022 which can give you an idea of ??the filling rate of the training you are aiming for.

If you answer “No”, you don’t have to do anything. This means that the proposal no longer concerns you.

If you do not receive an admission proposal, you can register for the complementary procedure, which starts on June 15 and lasts until September 12. You will then have the opportunity to make new wishes in formations with remaining places.

They make it possible to change waiting lists without unnecessarily blocking too many applicants. Deadlines for responding to admissions proposals are displayed in your file, but here is a reminder:

Rest assured, the deadline for responses is always displayed opposite the admissions proposal. One last little thing: even if the admission proposals received do not interest you, you must send a response to them.

How to make new choices on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate orientation platform? Via the tool “Evaluate your chances in a sector”, the result of our exclusive partnership with a team of teachers eager to help students, you have the possibility of visualizing your probabilities of integrating training according to your profile! In the interface below, created by Supeasy, you indicate your baccalaureate and your level, then tick the courses you are targeting.

It is possible to indicate several cumulated sectors. This allows you to compare your chances of admission in a few clicks, and even to modulate them by varying the average obtained in the baccalaureate.

The new section “Understanding the criteria for analyzing applications” has been created on the website for the 2023 edition. It details the access criteria on which the training courses are based, in other words, the criteria from which training courses accept or not a candidate’s file. As Jérôme Teillard, Parcoursup project manager at the Ministry of Higher Education, points out, “It’s not an algorithm that examines applications, it’s the teachers”.

It is possible to make up to 10 wishes in total, but also sub-wishes depending on the training. Applicants seeking apprenticeships have an additional 10 wishes for those same apprenticeships. About 7,500 apprenticeship courses are available and for many of them, you can make your wishes throughout the Parcoursup procedure, without a deadline. For high school students, each wish made is the subject of a Future sheet, which will include the assessments of their teachers and the opinion of the head of the establishment following the 2nd class council. They are sent to the universities concerned.

Another advantage of the site: if a candidate is looking for a specific training, the search engine also offers similar training that may potentially interest him. In their list of a maximum of 10 wishes, in no order of preference and without the obligation to add a non-selective stream, Parcoursup candidates must explain their motivation for each of the wishes entered. They have for this from mid-January to mid-March.

High school students have the possibility of applying outside the academy: “a few places [are] reserved in the non-selective courses of a university for candidates coming from another academy”, specifies AFP. If the student chooses to limit his applications to selective courses or to universities outside his academy, he risks remaining without a proposal and receives a series of messages from the Parcoursup platform to inform him of this.

Finally, the candidate has an additional possibility in his pocket: that of formulating “multiple wishes” (within their 1 to 10 wishes), which are limited to a maximum of 20 sub-wishes. Ex: a computer license requested for all the universities of the academy, and which counts for only one wish, with more chances for the student to obtain the training in the sector of his choice .

Good to know: for IFSIs, institutes in hearing aids, speech therapy and orthoptics, the limit is five wishes per type of training.

For those who have not yet made their choice, the training sheets provide valuable information for each training:

The training sheets are also enriched with a new section, “Know the criteria for analyzing applications”. This clearly presents the criteria that the courses will use to analyze and accept applications. It is also specified in the sheets who will analyze the files: teachers, admissions officers… Thanks to all these elements, the candidate has the possibility of comparing the most important criteria between two courses and gauging his chances of success, but also have more in mind the priority arguments to include in your Parcoursup cover letter. You can also find in the advice sheets from the training courses themselves on the recommended courses in high school and how to fill in their application file. What better to anticipate the admission phase, which starts on Thursday, June 1st.

Each of the Parcoursup wishes must be justified by writing a “motivated training project”, a kind of cover letter. The objective: to explain in a few lines what motivates the candidate in this training. “It’s a personal expression that is expected of you and not a theoretical writing”, specifies Parcoursup. It is thus a question of motivating one’s wishes in a personalized way, and thus of standing out from the others by highlighting one’s strengths. Concretely, in 1,500 characters maximum, the candidate explains why he chooses to retain this training in his wish list, what are his qualities and skills, and how the training articulates well with his past career – professional experiences and personal – and with his future plans.

Good to know: if a high school student or a student in reorientation has a disability or suffers from a disabling health problem, he can fill in a liaison form in his Parcoursup file. It is possible to specify your needs for the start of the school year. Non-compulsory, this form is not sent to the training for the examination of the file.

Pourtonsup is a platform launched by the association of high school students to help confused candidates navigate through Parcoursup. She offers to give her opinion on Parcoursup, find her orientation and finally, exchange with students.

Launched on February 1, 2023, My Master is the new national online platform for finding your master’s degree. Once their license in hand, many students find themselves on the floor in France. In the summer of 2022, some 7,000 students had thus seized their rectorate, according to the Ministry of Higher Education, because they had not been able to access the desired outlet for a master’s degree. A sort of one-stop shop, “My Masters” functions as a referral interface to streamline proposals, redistribute vacant places and register students earlier.

From mid-June, proposals for admission arrive at the successful applicants. They can then accept the proposals or not, but this is only possible for two masters at the same time. From mid-July begins a phase of redistribution of vacant places according to withdrawals.