Omar Bin Laden, Osama’s son, was indicted Thursday, July 6, for apologizing for terrorism after a tweet about his father, which he disputes.

[Updated July 7 at 8:54 p.m.] According to information from the Free Publisher, Osama bin Laden’s son, Omar, was indicted for apologizing for terrorism on Thursday, July 6, then released. In question: a tweet, dated May 2, the day of the death of the instigator of the attacks of September 11, in which account @OmarBinLadin1 wrote: “History is written only with the blood of these people – for tell the story of those martyrs who made history, built nations and brought glory. Their blood is the lifeline of our faith until Judgment Day. Rest in peace.”

This Friday, the main interested party, who has lived in Normandy for seven years, spoke of “false information”. Justice must now obtain the identity of the person behind this account, which has since been deleted. Contacted by Le Publicateur Libre, the prosecutor of the Republic of Argentan did not want to reveal anything: “There is a legal procedure in progress, and the secrecy of the investigation.”

Omar Bin Laden last saw his father in 2000, before the September 11 attacks. This 42-year-old man tells Le Point that he was then in training camps in Afghanistan: “In the morning, we had religious education, then in the afternoon, we went on long horseback rides in the mountains, then, sometimes, we trained in combat with the handling of weapons. I longed for a more normal life. I was tired of not seeing the rest of my family, of not being able to get married like everyone else. “

With the media Vice, he confides “not without a touch of sadness, that he was never particularly close to his father. Osama was an austere father who deprived his sons of toys, beat them regularly and would later try to persuade to volunteer for suicide missions.”

He also returned to the death of his father in 2001, during an assault by American special forces in northern Pakistan. “As a son, it’s always sad to lose your father, but compared to what he had become, it was better that way than being enemy number one all the time. He was on the run perpetual. It was a predictable outcome…”, he explains.

Omar Bin Laden has always condemned his father’s actions after he left with his father. He even explains, to Le Point, his difficulties in living peacefully: “September 11 screwed up my life, because my name was associated with that of my father. After that, for several years, I could no longer move around, go to many countries. My name was banished, cursed everywhere. I spent dark years, I was rejected, whatever I did.”

Omar bin Laden moved to France with his wife in 2016. According to Orne hebdo, he “owns a small team of horses with his wife, Zaina Mohamed Al-Sabah, whom he met in 2006. ” According to Vice, “Osama bin Laden, is the spitting image of his father. Even in the canon of a smartphone camera, it’s easy to see that Omar inherited his father’s powerful nose and bold eyes. “