check daily for posts at the level of reliability. Claim: “Fast-food increases the risk of obesity.”
< / p> it advises on a blog, slowly, slowly to eat the food, because fast food is, according to the website they are linked to a higher BMI (Body Mass Index). Among the more well-Informed Circles, Girlscene suggest, moreover, that a heavier weight may be too soon to eat it. But is it really?
Where does it come from? < / p> Ten years ago, it was reported, inter alia though, on the basis of an examination of fast food, fat makes. And also in 2008, inter alia, that fat is to be in a hurry to eat. The idea that fast food has an effect on your weight, there is online and so all of a decade.
now, Monica, ” march of the Wageningen University to do the research to chew on, and the effect of the eetsnelheid to the full. She will tell you that there have been at least fifteen years, that is, looking at the effects of eetsnelheid.
What affects how quickly you’re eating? < / p> Mars, and explains that the eetsnelheid both, depending on the foods themselves, as well as that of the person who eats it. “In the case of the eetsnelheid, for example, or food, hard or soft, what shape it is and whether or not it’s large or small pieces.”
“We have to know in addition to, for example, that men in general are quicker to eat than women. The men can be due to physical differences in the mouth food is, on average, more quickly into a mass that is safe to swallow. Men are now able to more quickly food to eat, and to do this, also.”
you can Eat more if you eat? < / p> If you need to eat and foods to take, that quickly eat, then eat, according to Mars and more. “It was different from the experiments in which two different foods were identified. In these experiments, care was taken to ensure that the food was as good as can be found and the amount of energy they contain. The only difference is that you have one food item, the easier way to get it. From the experiments, it was revealed that more people are eating it’s hard to get the food.”
now That you have to eat more if you are faster you eat, does not mean that fast food for being overweight is taking care of. Mars is telling you that there is a strong evidence that the faster-than-average food, and the chance of becoming overweight increases.
in Studies where people are asked about their weight, and their eetsnelheid, for example, that people who say they eat an average of weight. However, as an example, Mars is out, questionnaires are not an ideal way to eetsnelheid to be measured. “It can be difficult to get yourself to say that you are a fast eater, and this is part of your own frame of reference.”
now, A Japanese analysis of the existing research on eetsnelheid 2015 thought at the time that fast food and obesity are interrelated.
more slowly and eat it with a tuning fork
another indication that fast food contributes to obesity, that is more slowly food seems to contribute to weight loss. Mars is doing the research on the impact of the use of a tuning fork. This is a fork that will just vibrate when you are within a relatively short period of time, two times, take a breath, take. “As a result, you become more aware of your eetsnelheid, and we can see that people will slow down and eat.”
“In a study we are fast eaters, who are working to lose weight, this tuning fork is for a short period of time, home to as many as possible, meals are to be used. To be a part of the group, with the vibration switched off, and to be a part of the group, was the fork-full and, therefore, will vibrate as soon as it was eaten.”
“the study found that people who are used to the full functioning of the tuning fork is slower, went out to eat and have a little bit more fall away than people who have a fork, have had with the vibrator was turned off. Also, once people have been for a while, no blades, more were made available to the group, that is, a vibrating fork is used, to slow down and eat.”
“of The blades could potentially have a little bit of help to lose weight,” says March.
Conclusion < / p> On the basis of several studies, we know that fast food, also allows to eat more. Or the people that are quick to eat this is also, on average, in weight, that is, it is still not certain what to say. There are, however, several indications for this. In addition, it has been shown by research that when people are on a diet down of food by means of a tuning fork, a little more weight.
finally, We will review the notion that Fast food increases the risk of obesity”, such as likely .