With this great Trick you can rid your car Windows in a matter of seconds of Frost without ice scraper. Everything you need you already have at home.

the winter time is eiskratz time. Who has no Garage and his car needs to leave overnight outside, know this: you have an early schedule more time to get rid of your slices from the chore of Frost and ice. And that can sometimes be quite cumbersome and annoying.

But don’t worry, rescue is on: With this Trick you can get your windshield in a few seconds free of ice.

On the disc, ready to spray

The American meteorologist Ken Weathers has published on his Facebook page two years ago, a Video in which he presented a quick solution :

The ice scraper is a thing of the past. You take instead of rubbing alcohol and water and mix these two components in the ratio of two thirds to one third. Fill the liquid in a standard spray bottle, and spray the slices. And lo and behold: Frost and ice to disappear all by itself. Give it a try! With this Trick the car makes driving in the Winter is just more fun.

also read : kralbet These five mistakes everyone makes when driving a car.

Sabrina Meußel

On this car, you can look forward to 2019