Nearly three-quarters of the Dutch population doesn’t know what to do for eye injuries due to fireworks, according to research conducted by the Red Cross, and the eye Hospital, Rotterdam, the netherlands. In addition, only four out of ten first-aid.
If the eye injury due to fireworks, the eye should be flushed out as the pupil is still around and is still there. If the pupil is distorted and the eye is no longer intact, it is important not to press it. In this case, it is important for the eye to rest and the expert’s report, to seek medical attention.
However, there are many more people who know how to use them, injury to treat than they were three years ago. I had only about 13 percent of what to do next. “The level of knowledge about first aid for eye injuries is definitely improved, but still far too low. This is serious, because it is the right thing to do, it can make the difference between an eye-to make it or lose it,” said De Nijhof, head of first aid at the Red Cross (icrc).
the More people that know what they are supposed to do with a burn injury. Three-quarters of the people know that they need to cool it with luke warm water. Only two out of ten people know that you have a skin wound should be covered with a sterile dressing.
In the past year reported that there were about four hundred men, with vuurwerkletsel in the hospital. One-fourth of them had damage.
Saturday’s start of the national sale of fireworks. It may not be sold until new year’s eve.
Vuurwerkverbod may be tightened up: you need to know