Every week, the answers Sign up for the Vaal (47), a general practitioner in Nijmegen, the netherlands, a common, or outstanding question on a practice. This week: “Does the pain in breathing and that I had a lung collapse, do you?”

“no, No, not always. Often, the pain is in the breathing and the stretching of the chest, caused by a spierscheurtje a klemzittend zenuwtje, or a bruise. That is, the general practitioner can find out by going to your lungs to listen to, and your chest out.”

See also the Study: the Lungs of ex-smokers recover better than expected < / p>

“The lung is a very soft, spongy tissue that are a protective film over it, is situated. On the inside of the chest is also quite an amazing film and that ‘skin’ sit in a vacuum against each other to get stuck. You can use the mechanism of comparing it with a suction cup on the window or the door stick.”

“If there’s a leak occurs in the film, there is air between the lung and the pleura, and eliminates the need to vacuum, and a portion of the lung collapses literally in each other. Since there is no supply of fresh air into the lungs, you get short of breath. The pain is due to the fact that the longvliezen are now all over each other, rather than from the end of April. The pain you experience is only on check – in and out.”

“A lung collapse can be spontaneously caused. That is relatively common in young, tall man, especially if they also smoke. We don’t know exactly how to do that. It can also be caused by an accident, for example, if someone is in an accident, and a rib breaking, and the longvlies lekprikt.”

“Divers can also suffer from it. This is due to the differences in pressure under water. Also, the plane may have large differences in pressure, a pneumothorax injury. In addition, smoking is a greater risk. And also people with lung diseases such as COPD, emphysema, and lung cancer.”

“First of all, beklop I put the chest on the front and the back. With a pneumothorax, it sounds the part, where the lung is collapsed holler than in the other. I also listen with a stethoscope, the breathing, though. With a pneumothorax, you hear not, because the lung is no longer air, it can fill up. Furthermore, it is often found that the oxygen concentration is lowered and the heart rate is increased. In case of doubt, only, but also for the confirmation, I will send patients to a chest x-ray.”

“As long-but it is a little bit of it is folded up, it is usually self-limiting, with a bit of easy to do. The hole repairs itself within a few weeks, and the long, unfolding themselves over and over again. Is it really to have a large pneumothorax, then they are in the hospital, and the air is like sucking with a hollow needle and the vacuum is back up and running. It seems to be a heavy operation, but it is not that bad.”

Each week, to answer gp’s Often have a faq or a prominent question in his practice NU.nl.

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