Traveling to Mayotte this weekend, Gérald Darmanin announced a constitutional revision intended to eliminate land law in this overseas department.

The objective is clear. On the sidelines of his trip to Mayotte this weekend, the Minister of the Interior announced on Sunday February 11 “the inscription of the end of land law” in this overseas department through a revision of the Constitution. And this, “before the end of summer,” he promised. While the archipelago is going through an unprecedented crisis, the government intends to stem the migration crisis thanks to this “radical decision”, as Gérald Darmanin himself described it. And to insist: “It will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of French parents.”

If this announcement stirs up the political class, it is different for French society. While for several weeks now, “citizen collectives” have been paralyzing Mayotte by installing roadblocks to demand more security and more controlled immigration, an Elabe poll carried out by BFMTV reveals that the abolition of land rights in Mayotte is a largely supported by the French.

In detail, 38% of those questioned say they are very favorable to this measure, 37% rather favorable. This brings to 75% the number of French people questioned who say they agree with Gérald Darmanin’s decision. Only 17% of respondents say they are somewhat opposed, while 7% say they are very opposed. For 67% of those questioned, the abolition of land rights in Mayotte will be effective in combating illegal immigration to Mayotte. On the other hand, fewer people (55%) think that this will make it possible to better combat insecurity. What about such a measure for the rest of the country? Here, opinions differ further. For 39% of respondents, we must maintain the principle of land law as today. 10% even believe that land law should be relaxed, by giving French nationality to anyone born in the territory. However, 50% of French people want land rights to be abolished for the rest of the country.