The First Lady brushes aside rumors accusing her of manipulating her husband. “He knows what he needs to do, he doesn’t need me,” she says.

At the start of the year, Brigitte Macron is in the middle of the campaign for Operation Yellow Pieces, the famous fundraiser for hospitalized children, launched by the former First Lady of France Bernadette Chirac. Invited by RTL to talk about it, Friday January 26, Emmanuel Macron’s wife was also questioned about her place at the Elysée and the role she can play in the decisions of the Head of State. She dismissed rumors that she was playing a manipulative game with the head of state.

“Manipulation, never,” she decided. “Look at the character of the president, he is not a person who allows himself to be manipulated, that is clear,” she remarked. Moreover, according to Brigitte Macron, the President of the Republic “knows what he needs to do, he does not need” her.

The First Lady does not hide the fact that she gives her opinion to Emmanuel Macron and does not hesitate to debate with him. “We talk like husband and wife, we talk about everything, I don’t forbid anything. What people say to me, I tell him, I’ve always done it. […] When we’re not we don’t agree, we discuss, as happens in all couples!”

“He’s worried about everything, and it’s not the fan club president talking!” Adds Brigitte Macron. She does not yet dare to tell “the daily life” of the Head of State at the Elysée, “because it seems that I am not objective”. “But I will do it later,” she promises. Appointment is made in 2027.