LOTTO RESULTS. Two million euros were promised again, Wednesday, July 12, 2023, during the Loto draw. Has anyone found the results yet?

[Updated July 12, 2023 9:23 PM] The answer is no. Worse still, to find the first winners of the day, you have to go down to rank 3. There, we discover that 31 grids have been validated with four of the five correct numbers and the correct Chance number. Each owner still wins 6,835.80 euros. The next Lotto draw will take place on Saturday. Three million euros will be at stake. In the meantime, here are all the Loto results for this Wednesday:

With this Loto draw without a big winner, it’s the end of a small wave of victories. Indeed, lately, luck had been particularly present. While since the launch of the holiday jackpot by the Française des jeux (FDJ) on July 1, no one seemed to have enough luck to find the Loto results, in quick succession, two Loto draws were won. the last days. First of all, on Saturday, the holiday jackpot finally found a taker. A player thus pocketed the 13 million euros at stake.

What had he played to pocket such a jackpot? That evening, it was on the numbers 6, 10, 19, 32, 48 and the Lucky number 5 that you had to have bet to become a millionaire. Then, on Monday, when only two million euros were at stake, three grids were checked off by the good results of the Loto. Three people therefore potentially had to share the jackpot at the end of this Loto draw. At least, if each grid had been validated by a single person, and not by a group of friends for example. Anyway, that day, you had to bet on 3, 8, 10, 14, 44 and the Chance number 2. The winners therefore had to divide the spoils into three. Each left with 666,667 euros, which is still a substantial sum.