On a surprise visit to Marseille this Tuesday after the launch of the “Place Net XXL” operation, Emmanuel Macron was attacked by a young man, followed by a mother.

The day after the launch of the major operation against drug trafficking, called operation “Place Net XXL”, and which is to continue in the coming weeks in different French cities, the President of the Republic went to Marseille this Tuesday March 19. A surprise visit to the city of Castellane, located on the border between the 15th and 16th arrondissements of Marseille, during which Emmanuel Macron went to meet the inhabitants.

During a crowd, the head of state was attacked by a young man. “Calm down your little CRS […] There’s no point in sending them to us,” said the resident of the town of La Castellane leaning on a low wall under which the President of the Republic was passing. While he was at the same time questioned by a mother, to whom he offered to come and join him to discuss, Emmanuel Macron tried to delay: “No, no, no… [Don’t] talk like that about the CRS.” And added: “What are they there for? To protect you.”

“That’s not protection, sir,” reacted the woman who had previously challenged him and had just arrived alongside him, after having been authorized to cross the security cordon around the tenant of the Élysée. The mother then denounced the sending of “tear gas bombs at 4:30 p.m. when the children leave primary school and there are children all over the neighborhood”. Faced with an Emmanuel Macron with his arms crossed, the resident of the city continued: “The CRS intervene, they want to do washing, cleaning.” According to her, this type of operation would happen “often”. “The police and gendarmes are there to restore order,” retorted Emmanuel Macron, pointing out the fact that the police do not intervene for pleasure. “Are all the people of Castellane, the 6,000 inhabitants, traffickers?” the mother then questioned.