MEP Manon Aubry reiterated La France Insoumise’s opposition to Ukraine’s accession, due to the “unfair competition” that it would create on the European agricultural market.

The “problem of this European Union is unfair competition”, insisted Manon Aubry on the set of Europe 1, Wednesday January 24. The MEP from La France insoumise reacted to the anger of farmers by pointing out the imports of foodstuffs produced at low cost outside the EU. She took the opportunity to recall her party’s opposition to Ukraine’s entry into the Union, due to the competition it would create with French agricultural products.

“Imports of chickens and eggs have doubled from Ukraine, while the cost of production is 75% lower” than that of France, pointed out Manon Aubry. “And that’s why we will oppose Ukraine entering the European Union, otherwise it will make our farmers vulnerable.”

The rebellious MEP had already expressed her opposition to Ukraine’s accession in December: “Who seriously thinks that we can bring a country at war into the European Union? This is absolutely not realistic” , she then declared on France 24. “The Ukrainians need financial support, military support, and you don’t need to be in the European Union to obtain it.” she still affirmed.

In 2022, shortly after the start of the Russian invasion, La France insoumise was in favor of Ukraine obtaining the status of candidate state for the European Union. Jean-Luc Mélenchon welcomed in June 2022 “a somewhat symbolic approach to tell the Russians ‘we will not let go of Ukraine, Ukraine is one of us'”. But already, the leader of the Insoumis had warned that he would not vote for “any new accession to the European Union without social harmonization”.