The family of Lana Del Rey has recently become a victim of identity theft. The singer will share on Twitter and that it works for her sister, and other items for her family and sentimental value have been stolen.
“last week, there are memorabilia of my family, which includes works of art by my sister, taken into account. I just hope that the person who did this the ones, of her earlier work, it would be able to return,” said Del Rey, who’s sister is a professional photographer.
Del Rey said that in her family, in exchange for the return of the scan, no further questions will be put on the case of theft. “The work that we are lost, cannot be re-created, and we don’t have copies of that,” says Del Rey.
The singer recently announced on the 4th of January by the year 2020 spokenwordalbum on the matter. On Friday, February 21, 2020, in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, the netherlands.
AvatarAuteurLanaDelReyMoment of plaatsen06:59 pm – december 27, 2019