The stabbing that occurred in a shopping center in Sydney, Australia, this Saturday, April 13, left at least six people dead. The attacker was reportedly shot dead by Australian police.

Emergency services announced that six people were stabbed to death in a shopping center in Sydney, Australia, on Saturday April 13. Seven other people are currently hospitalized, including a child. The stabbing occurred at Bondi Junction Westfield, specifies the Australian media Sydney Morning Herald.

During a press conference, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese indicated that the perpetrator of the attack appeared to have “acted alone”, specifying that for the moment, investigators were still trying to “identify the culprit” . “For all of us this evening, the appalling scenes at Bondi Junction are beyond words and beyond comprehension,” he also said.

He had  sent his condolences to the families of the victims earlier in the day. “The first thoughts of all Australians are with those affected and with their loved ones,” he posted on the social network X.

According to the ambulance services of the State of New South Wales, dispatched to the scene, a man was shot dead by the police and it was probably the assailant, reports BFMTV.

The motives for the attack are still unknown and the “terrorist” trail has not been ruled out by the Australian authorities, who are calling for people to avoid the area.

Hundreds of people had to be evacuated from the shopping center after the incident. Witnesses described scenes of panic, details Le Figaro. Surveillance camera videos were broadcast by local media, showing a man running through the mall armed with a large knife, injured bodies lying on the ground and officers helping them.