To strengthen the entire trunk and have prominent abs, traditional exercises are not enough. There is one that is considered one of the best, but very often underestimated.

There are many exercises we know and repeat over and over to work the core (aka “abs”), such as oblique crunches, crossovers, roll-ups, or planks. However, just as cardio training is not limited to running, abdominal training should not be limited to these exercises alone.

One of the best for strengthening the abs is the front squat with a barbell, an underrated exercise with many benefits. According to personal trainer Mike Hamlin, interviewed by Women’s Health, this squat is better for the core than the classic squat with the bar on the back, offering “more power for other exercises, a healthier and more stable lumbar and abdominal region , and a stronger set of abs”. The front squat with a barbell is very favorable for well-defined abs

The front barbell squat is a bit like squatting with a stick in front of you. Imagine that you are carrying a tray of food in front of you with your elbows pointing forward. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Holding the “plateau” (the bar) close to your neck, squat as if you wanted to sit on an invisible chair. Keep your chest proud, your back straight, and make as if you are pushing the ground with your feet to get up.

It remains to know how to perform this squat without injuring yourself. First, the feet should be shoulder-width apart; then, place the bar in front of the shoulders and near the neck, positioning the elbows forward and the arms parallel to the ground; finally, you have to squat while keeping your chest high, your back straight and your abs tight.

The core is the central pillar of the body, playing a crucial role in posture and balance. By strengthening it, you prevent back pain, because a toned belly better supports the spine. It is also essential for carrying out a multitude of daily activities, ranging from walking to picking up heavy objects. In addition, strong abs improve athletic performance and provide a more sculpted figure. Not to mention that a sturdy trunk helps to better protect the internal organs.