Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly, rejected a request to lift the parliamentary immunity of Les Républicains deputy Meyer Habib. 39 left-wing MPs accuse him of “apology for Israeli war crimes” in Gaza.

Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly, announced this Saturday, December 23, that Meyer Habib, member of the Les Républicains, was not going to see his parliamentary immunity lifted. “The remarks made by a parliamentarian in the hemicycle are covered, in accordance with article 26 of the Constitution, by the principle of irresponsibility, which is absolute and which no procedure allows to lift,” wrote the president of the National Assembly. 39 left-wing deputies accuse Meyer Habib of “apology for Israeli war crimes” in Gaza. In question, this sentence pronounced by the deputy, regarding Israeli bombings on a building which sheltered civilians: “and it’s not over!”. Meyer Habib is elected from the eighth constituency of French people established outside France. This includes Israel. Since the Hamas attacks on October 7, the MP has supported the bombings and military operations in Gaza.

The LR MP reacted to this request for lifting of immunity by considering that “their damp squib is only a crude counter-fire to try to make us forget the repeated apology for terrorism.” This new decision by Yaël Braun-Pivet is causing a reaction within France Insoumise. “The unconditional supporters of Israeli war criminals protect themselves. A French MP can therefore calmly apologize for war crimes. What a shame!” wrote MP Thomas Portes on X.