CSU-supported politician Ilse Aigner, the protest movement “Maria 2.0” and is now demanding this of celibacy and the ordination of priests, also for women.

München – state President Ilse Aigner (CSU), with clear words, behind the protest movement, “Maria 2.0” in the Catholic Church. In an Interview with our newspaper Aigner calls for faster reforms in the Church, an end to the celibacy and the ordination of priests, also for women. The Church is now “a tremendous opportunity,” she said.

women protest against male domination – Aigner, supported by Church, to strike, “Maria 2.0”

On the weekend, thousands of Catholic women have started in many municipalities, a week-long Church strike to protest against the men’s domination in their Church. Aigner supports the strikes (“legitimate”) and the content. “I am for an end of celibacy,” says the upper Bavarian politician. “We have in the future a distinct lack of spiritual – that is foreseeable. By 2030, almost 7000 pastors to be missing. We need to unlock the potential of both the women and the men who don’t want to be celibate.“

Aigner says she talked with both active women, as well as with pastors. “You notice many of the clergy in a private conversation, how much the need for change is there. We have learned in politics and the economy for a long time: It never hurts, if there are mixed Teams and women in leadership.“ Unfortunately, it was from Rome over the decades, there is no positive feedback around at least to the diaconate for women.

responses to “Maria 2.0”: Aigner’s views of all

responses to “Maria 2.0” are different not share. The würzburg Bishop Franz Jung announced a visit to a picket. The Regensburg Bishop Voderholzer reiterated: “It takes us an inch when we build the history of the Church, to approve us and then at the end about a woman’s priesthood.”

In the case of the Erdinger Catholics, the protest movement, “Maria 2.0” is great support. In Schongau was founded in the counter-movement “Maria 1.0” to life.

click here to read the full Interview with Ilse Aigner:

Mrs Aigner, was the young Ilse a Ministrantin?

no, not then with us still. I would have liked to have joined in. When I look around me today, in the Church, I often see more girl in the mini-trate, as a boy. My nieces were very active.

Serve At the just – more is not allowed. How do you stand on the protest movement, “Maria 2.0”, the reforms in the male-dominated Church requires?

I have very great understanding. In the life of the parish, we have an incredible number of committed women, they are often the driving forces: the measurement service, in the communion and confirmation classes, when visiting service for the Sick and the poor. Anyone who brings such a strong, will also receive full access to all functions and Offices in the Church.

On all of them?


Aigner for churches-debate on “Maria 2.0”: celibacy is a major obstacle

What specifically needs to change in the Church?

We urgently need more determination in dealing with the cases of abuse. We need more openness to women in Leadership positions, starting in the diaconate. About it is spoken in over 50 years, without a positive response from Rome would come. We need more Ecumenism. And last but not least we need to talk intensively about the celibacy.

you clearly Say: you are against the forced celibacy of the clergy?

I’m all for an end of celibacy. We have in the future a distinct lack of spiritual – that is foreseeable. By 2030, almost 7000 pastors to be missing. We need to unlock the potential of both the women and the men who don’t want to be celibate.

celibacy deters?

It’s a decision you must make early in life – in a period in which the estimate might still not final. Yes: for many, a major obstacle to opting for the priest profession. There is, as far as I know, no justification in the Bible.

caution – the Regensburg Bishop Voderholzer said: Jesus have wanted only men in the priestly service.

I don’t know where he derives the. The image of heaven is not of man, but of man. I can’t see that in the Church lived equality is to shake the Foundation of our Catholic faith. This also applies to celibacy. Nowhere in the Bible the statement is to be read, to be celibate.

Aigner: “I think the churches-strikes correctly”

is Here in the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising, it is still rather quiet in the “Maria 2.0″debate. Why?

comes now in motion. More and more women talk about it.

Keep Church strikes for a legitimate means, or is that too far?

I think strikes are important, in order to draw attention to themselves. It’s only a week, not to Paralyse the whole of the Church’s life. The is legitimate.

we Meet you streikend in front of a Church?

Who knows – Yes.

Would you wish for a little more courage in our cardinal Marx?

I suspect we are going to talk about it – at the latest after this Interview… You realize many of the clergy in a private conversation, how much the need for change is there. We have learned in politics and the economy for a long time: It never hurts, if there are mixed Teams and women in leadership.

Church: Moving Pope Francis?

Many bishops refer to the Synodal path that should weigh in the fall such questions. Do you feel put off from year to year?

I’m afraid that is precisely the issue over decades has not really done anything. I know – in politics, it’s not always fast. But now we have in the Church a tremendous opportunity with this movement of self-conscious women. This should take the Church seriously.

to Trust this Pope, to move in such matters?

In the case of Pope Francis, I can imagine it. Whether Rom, if I may say so flat, so far, I doubt unfortunately.