The opening of the star sing action 2019 in the diocese of Augsburg will take place on Saturday, 29. December, in, Mr Ching – hundreds of Dinamobet kings are to be expected.

Herrsching – “we are delighted that the leaders of the diocese of Augsburg have to ask our parish community for this great event,” says pastor Simon Rapp. The carolers will meet at 10 o’clock in the Nicholas hall. From 11.15 a.m. you have to pull the Nicholas, Mühlfelder and station road to the Church of St. Nicholas, in the at 12 o’clock, a Church service begins. In this time, it may lead to disabilities, says mayor Christian Schiller. “But the appreciation for this service to the children and young people should be worth.” The action is supported by fire brigade, municipality, police, rescue services and many volunteers.