In your exploration of Hogwarts castle, you will likely come across doors scrawled with strange symbols. We explain how to open the doors of Arithmancy in Hogwarts Legacy.

The mysteries of Hogwarts are many, and if they are extremely hard to solve for the most veteran of wizards, they are a huge challenge for the first years. Now, the first year in Hogwarts Legacy is you, and you have your work cut out. Among the various challenges that await you in the corridors of the famous school of sorcery, you will find the Doors of Arithmancy, entrances locked by simple combinations. We explain how to open them.

Recognizable among a thousand by their circular mathematical and animal symbols, these doors dot Hogwarts with their mathematical enigmas. And the fact is that you have the option of opening them from the start of the game by going to… the Arithmancy class. Indeed, just below the Divination Room, where you can Floo to by following the image just below, you will find a wooden passageway taking you to one of the first Arithmancy doors in the game. To the right of this door is a class board and just to the right of this board you will find the Arithmancy study guide. This small page will be very useful for you to decipher the doors of Arithmancy.

Once the guide is in your pocket, no door can resist you. Indeed, the combinations to open it are extremely simple. The value written in the center of each circle corresponds to the sum of the three symbols which surround it. Match each symbol to its number, do a subtraction, and you will have the symbol you need. Activate the correct symbols in the locks next to it and voila!