A DNA sample could help determine whether Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès is still alive and whether he was identified a few weeks ago in France.

Wanted for 13 years for the murder of his wife and four children, was Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès (XDDL) seen in Doubs last March? The mystery remains unsolved after the report of a woman, then of two other people, considering it “possible” that an individual encountered in a convent recently was Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. The events took place in a community of Dominican sisters from Béthanie, in Montferrand-le-Château, near Besançon, a few weeks ago, at the beginning of March. “One of the members came accompanied by a man named Jean”, specifies Etienne Manteaux, the public prosecutor of Besançon to the AFP. This famous Jean is suspected of being Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès.

“Jean” would have been hosted for two nights by the participants in the vigil before resuming his journey without identity documents. Please note, none of the three people stating that it could be Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès can confirm this. In addition, the four other people present at the vigil and who also saw Jean think that it is not him. An investigation to “research the causes of the disappearance” has however been opened.

But what should occupy these investigators over the coming days concerns a very specific detail concerning this famous “Jean”, seen in Doubs on March 9, 2024. Indeed, DNA samples could lift the veil on years of doubt on the subject by Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. “The gendarmes were able to take elements such as cans drunk by the visitor, which will be analyzed by the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie (IRCGN), which should make it possible to extract a DNA fingerprint. It can then be transmitted to the Nantes public prosecutor’s office in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès”, explains the magistrate.

The return of the laboratory with the results is hoped before the end of April, he told Est Républicain. These simple cans or cups could therefore make it possible to confirm whether or not Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès is still alive, as his own sister asserts. Christine Dupont de Ligonnès published in March “Xavier, my brother, presumed innocent” (Harper Collins), in which she defends the incredible scenario of an exfiltration of her brother to the United States by the American intelligence services. Since the release of the book, investigators have noted an increase in reports about the missing…

Like the 1,750 reports already received regarding the disappearance of With this return of speculation, how can we not think of the immense error of October 2019 when the Scottish authorities arrested a certain Guy Joao at Glasgow airport, suspected of being Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès and placed in police custody at the time. In reality, Guy Joao had absolutely nothing to do with Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. He was a retiree living in Yvelines and regularly making trips to Scotland.