Science has just determined the relentless factors that would make you a sexier person! You can only improve your power of seduction after reading it. Be careful, some might surprise you.

Did you think being sexy was just about looks? Make no mistake, this is not the case! Indeed, according to science, several factors play into appearing “sexy” in the public eye. And we are very far from clichés. Forget the blonde with blue eyes and the tall, dark brunette with protruding chocolate bars. Science has determined three things that make you sexier than anyone else. Be careful, this could greatly surprise you and help you in your quest for attractiveness.

According to science, personality is the first factor that accentuates the sexy side of a man or woman. And on this point, the experts are categorical. The personality and the way in which it presents itself allows the sexy character to emerge. Personality can change the initial feeling of attraction, the first visual impression. Confidence in the way you speak can significantly increase the attractiveness of an individual. Charisma can capture attention, we also talk about charm, magnetism or even social intelligence.

Science also highlights kindness which reflects compassion and sensitivity. These feelings promote attractiveness to the public. Finally, the funnier you are, the more likely you are to be judged as attractive. So don’t be shy, dare and you will be rewarded. These observations were highlighted in a study conducted in 2017 at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. The researchers notably analyzed a speed-dating event and noticed that participants considered funny were judged more attractive than they were at the start of the meeting.

The environment also plays a role. While trends vary depending on generation and cultural customs, the environment in which you operate also plays an essential role in your “sexy” potential. Americans’ preferences can vary dramatically from Europeans, an observation highlighted by body language expert Blanca Cobb. It’s also important to understand that these factors evolve like fashions, much like with haircuts!

Finally, the biology of a human being plays a crucial role. As surprising as it may seem, it may even be the most important of the three. “Smell, physical similarities or even facial symmetry can trigger the sexy effect in others,” explained Kelsey Latimer, a psychologist based in Florida.