Boss Appie Wijma, exoskeletpionier Dennie Hunter, and handbalinternational Lois Abbingh have been nominated for the ‘ Groninger of the Year 2019 at the latest, at the annual election, HE was North.

The listeners and viewers of the local news medium could be the last few weeks Further in the competition for the title. In total, there were over 3,500 nominations from within, both known and unknown, Further, according to RTV Noord.

A Further with the most votes is the boss, a common drink in Wijma. Low-income people are free to be with him camping out in the Open.

The second nominee is Dennie Hunter, who for a number of years ago, a spinal cord injury suffered in an accident. He was given the opportunity to walk with an exoskeleton, a sort of robotpak. The hunter reared up, then with the foundation to Walk On, where he is fighting for the recognition of love as a medical device.

The third nominee is a local handbalinternational Lois Abbingh, who, at the beginning of december, and the title came from. They used it in the last seconds of the final of the world cup with a 7 meterworp, which allows them to attack the gold and threw it out. This was the first time since the handbaldames were never to win the world championship.

the Inhabitants of Groningen in may until the 27th of december, at 18.00 hours, the votes on the three nominees. Over the past four years, the price of the ‘ Groninger of the Year, bob Smith (2018), on Freek de Jonge (2017) Henry Hoving, Kevin park (roggeveld (2016), and Hans Nijland (2015).