This D system specialist has revealed his recipe for a homemade product to clean barbecues and planchas in the blink of an eye. And it only costs pennies!

It’s (finally) the season! Barbecues come out of the garage or garden sheds for convivial moments in the sun. However, after those first spring uses, these appliances can already accumulate stubborn grease and residue. Cleaning a barbecue can often seem like a tedious and daunting task, but an expert in grandmother’s tips and home solutions has revealed a simple and effective method to make this chore much easier. A significant bonus, this method is ecological and economical.

The specialist in good tips on Instagram Jonathan Coni Astuces has delivered his miracle product for cleaning the barbecue. And it works on a plancha too! He therefore suggests creating a homemade cleaning gel that not only dissolves grease but also protects your equipment from harsh chemicals often contained in commercial cleaners.

To whip up this miracle cleaner, you’ll need just three ingredients: water, soda crystals, and black soap. Soda crystals, known for their powerful cleaning properties, act deeply to degrease and clean without damaging cooking surfaces. Black soap, a natural product, reinforces the cleaning action while being gentle on the materials of your barbecue.

The recipe is as simple as the ingredients. You start by mixing 5000 ml of water with two tablespoons of soda crystals and five tablespoons of black soap in a large container. When you shake the mixture, it will begin to thicken and turn into a gel. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be poured into a spray bottle for easy application or can be used directly on a sponge or soft cloth.

All that remains is to use it. To do this, simply spray or apply the gel to the grills of your barbecue or to the cooking surface of your plancha and leave to act for a few moments. The gel then begins to dissolve grease and charred residue, allowing you to easily wipe them away without the need for vigorous scrubbing.

This homemade cleaner is not only effective but also economical, since the products it contains are very accessible. So it only costs pennies to produce… In addition to its effectiveness and reduced cost, one of the main advantages of this cleaner is that it is more environmentally friendly than many chemicals.