Gérald Darmanin announced the establishment of a curfew in Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe for minors. A decision which follows the growing insecurity on the island.

Gérald Darmanin ordered this Wednesday, April 17, the establishment for two months of a curfew in Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe for part of the population. All young people under the age of 18 must therefore return home every evening from 8 p.m. and not go out again until 5 a.m. the next day. This curfew will begin next week. Those who do not apply this rule will be subject to arrest and sanctions.

Guadeloupe has been the victim of nocturnal urban violence for weeks. Pointe-à-Pitre, a sub-prefecture of the island, is particularly affected and this mainly concerns minors. “We are very marked by the fact that minors are extremely numerous in delinquency unfortunately, in Guadeloupe in general and in Pointe-à-Pitre in particular,” explained Gérald Darmanin, according to BFMTV.

“We cannot allow children of 12, 13, 14 years old, with weapons, to roam the street at 10 p.m., attacking police officers, attacking tourists, attacking passers-by,” he added. In addition to the nights of riots, tourists on a cruise were in fact stabbed and a shopkeeper was killed during a robbery last March.

The city’s mayor, Harry Durimel, was reassured by this measure. “Here’s something concrete. (…) If the children are at their parents’ house at night, they are not going to burn 70 trash cans like they did in Pointe-à-Pitre last week,” he said. he reacted. He had earlier called the city a “cut-throat.” Guadeloupe has “six times more homicides, nine times more attempted homicides and 20 times more armed robberies than the national average”, according to the prefecture. Gérald Darmanin also announced for next month “net operations to fight against drugs, against drug dealing points and the circulation of weapons”.