Django Asül could wrap up. Even a Monika Gruber would act in a direct comparison, speechless. Alex Burkhard had flashed on Friday evening with his program “You know,” the audience in the wood-Kirchner Fools – so at least it is close to the spontaneous reactions. There has to remember a lot of respect with even before the performance, the everything.

wooden churches – Yes, you know the Dating Apps, dog school, empty statements from football stars, not worn-To-Do-lists, or the Selfie craze in digital networks. What you knew as a Burkhard-novice, its voice powerful and virtuoso performance of everyday observations, social absurdities, and market and economic excesses.

the man in The T-Shirt, broke his presentation only after long Rap passages for a deep swig from the water bottle, it was a maximum of a presence on the stage. His language is so diverse that it was not long, even if Burkhard apologized at the end for the extra Length. A little he had changed the program, he explains to the guests, of which he had, as from the Fools Team, very welcome felt.

Thrilled the audience hung on his lips, as he hung as an encore, his “look-out-Alex” in it. A Poetry-Slam-proven piece of life that hangs in shipping, and in the punchline ends: “the history lives of You, not of what was.”

Alex Burkhard is tested in the literary presentation of his own texts; he has captured numerous national titles in the German-speaking Poetry Slam and is considered the top dog of this genre. And so the 30-year-old Allgäuer played a piece of the fine with the language, whose many facets he had to start in the center, as he outlines his motivations for Scandinavian studies. “I was not sympathetic to know, what comes out,” he turned out from his point of view, big advantage over a clearly purpose-oriented subject such as law. All the better that the Scandinavian languages have very specific descriptions of particular beauty.

As the distance that a reindeer from break to break, goes as well in a single word is characterized, aptly, as well the act of at home in your underwear is pointless Betrinkens. Burkhard revels in Swedish sentences, and is capable of giving even Trumps clumsy Agitation by the Translation in gentle Swedish grace.

The madness of human destruction, he holds in “Max and Moritz for adults” so well into words that it was running a all the enthusiasm for the expression of cold over the back.

Unclouded was enjoyable, however, as he knelt on the stage and faithfully made looking up, as Philipp Lahm in his estimates or in his Poetry-Slam-victory-text “Against the non-binding nature” on the fear of Commitment mused. Brilliant and entertaining, the Gangster Rap of king Ludwig II., the celebrated wooden churches, Premiere got.

Heidi Siefert