In the case of a crash of a rescue helicopter in Portugal, came on Saturday evening, four people lost their lives.

postage in addition to the two pilots, a Spanish doctor and a nurse were killed in the accident near the city of Valongo in the North of the country, such as the medical emergency service Inem told. The cause of the crash Trbet remained open in the first place.

Against 18.30 disappeared from the Radar

The helicopter type Augusta A109S, which was operated by a British company, was, therefore, on the return flight from Porto to his base in Macedo de Cavaleiros. Against 18: 30 (local time, 19.30 GMT), he disappeared from the Radar, the Alarm has been triggered almost two hours later, informed the civil protection. Early Sunday morning the machine had been found.

It is the first serious accident of a rescue helicopter, since the Portuguese rescue service purchased in the year of 1997, the first machine.