the Forum in Groningen, in the first two months, 700,000 visitors drawn to it. That’s more than I expected.
At the opening, left, director, and Dirk Nijdam know in the Forum and in the first year, and is aiming for 1.3 million people. If the current trend continues, it would be all of april, can be met.
The Forum is still investigating how many customers are really paying visitors. There are a lot of visitors who are just looking around or on the roof top go up. The visitors will be counted with the use of smart cameras at the entrances.
The Forum opened on november 29 last year. In the first of the month, it was very crowded in the cultural. At the end of the year was hit at around 400,000. It was in January, so it is still up to 300,000, when, as confirmed by a spokesman for the board.
In the newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden, let Nijdam know in the library, the more members it has and that there are more books to be checked out. Also, the movie theatres, and the exhibition of artificial intelligence (AI), and the activities are well-attended.
in The additional visitors, make sure that there will be more staff needed. The building, in principle, to 89 full-time, but the body is of 35 students is accepted to be able to help him out.