Drama in Bavaria: On the return from a bet is a fireman lost his life. He crashed frontal into a Truck. To the cause of the accident, the police currently has a tragic assumption.

Marktsteft – In the case of a serious accident early Friday morning in the lower Franconian Marktsteft (Lkr. Kitzingen) is a 51-Year-old firefighter lost his life. How the German press Agency reported that the man was just coming back from a deployment when he lost from unknown cause of the roadway and his car into the oncoming traffic came. The use of the vehicle, crashed the car head-on in a load.

market Stetten: a firefighter is killed in an accident

in Spite of the immediate relief measures, the comrades of the Injured could do nothing more for him. The commander of the local fire brigade, died at the scene of the accident. The 36-year-old Truck driver was injured only slightly.

One expert was asked by the Prosecutor to reconstruct the exact course of a road accident. Currently, it is assumed that road’s smoothness as a cause.

members of the crisis team

The spokesman of the police in lower Franconia, Enrico Ball, cared for, spoke of the Severity of the accident, the burden in front of all the colleagues of the deceased. “A fatal accident you are not hooked by the evening. And now, if still a member of the fire Department is killed in an accident, the affected all forces.“ Such cases would need to be processed within the service groups internally, so Ball. The relatives of the deceased 51-Year-old are currently being mentored by a crisis intervention team.


read on Merkur.de*: If the helpers themselves need help, like a firefighter, due to bad bets, is traumatized, but no one can help him in the end even his family leaves. Also interesting: rescuers call for help: A8 Feuerwehrler brings us to the limits.