The French development Agency announced Thursday that it was committed to doubling the donations to the Fondation de France to help the inhabitants of the lebanese capital.

After the destruction, the time of the reconstruction. The French development Agency (AFD) has announced this Thursday that it was committed to doubling the donations to the Fondation de France to help the people of Beirut, after the violent explosions that left at least 137 dead and 5000 injured.

“Every donation to the Foundation de France for Solidarity in Lebanon will be doubled by the AFD. The objective : to increase the impact of the generosity of the donors through relevant and effective on-the-spot”, in the limit of one million euros, said a joint communiqué from the Fondation de France and the AFD. “The funds will be used to the local actors already at work on the land, to give priority support to social and psychosocial, economic recovery and local habitat,” says the text.

first funds of the Secours populaire of 100 000 €

Several NGOS or associations such as the Red Cross or Secours populaire have launched appeals for donations in the wake of the tragedy that has hit the lebanese capital. In parallel to his appeal, people’s Aid has released an initial fund of 100 000 euros.

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READ ALSO >> Explosions in Beirut : how to help the lebanese people from France ?

organizations of defense of the christians of the East in France also mobilised, in the image of the Work of the East, which has launched “a call to generosity” for the rehabilitation of walking the hospitals and clinics or rehabilitation of the christian schools. The NGO SOS Christians of the East, for its part, announced “join the emergency response operations” and provide financial support to The Quarantine hospital, “in order to assist in the restoration and redemption of the material matter of urgency”.

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On a visit Thursday to Beirut, Emmanuel Macron, expressed its desire to “organize international aid”. France has dispatched on Wednesday a first aid emergency : a plane took off from Marseille with the material, as well as a medical team of nine people. Two other devices have followed from Paris, with edge of the personnel of the civil security and several tons of equipment.