Yannick Jadot’s supporters in the presidential election have planned to vote massively in the European elections on June 9. But Marie Toussaint’s EELV list does not convince the majority.

Yannick Jadot had collected 4.6% of the votes in the first round of the 2022 presidential election. Two years later, the ecologist’s electorate is the most mobilized of all to vote in the European elections: 72% of his voters, questioned in the Ipsos poll of May 15, declare that they will participate in the June 9 vote. A much greater mobilization than among the entire electorate, where only 45% of respondents are sure of voting in these European elections. Good news for Europe Ecologie Les Verts? If only.

The problem is that more than half of the voters who chose Yannick Jadot in the presidential election are now turning away from the EELV list, carried by Marie Toussaint. The latter thus only collects 48% of the voting intentions among her colleague’s electorate, while more than half prefer another candidate for the moment. Marie Toussaint faces competition in particular from another left-wing list: that of Raphaël Gluckmann. The candidate from Place publique and the Socialist Party thus attracted 28% of Jadot voters surveyed by Ifop.

9% of Jadot’s former supporters turned towards the Macronist list of Valérie Hayer, 3% towards that of the rebellious Manon Aubry, 2% towards that of Jordan Bardella and 9% towards another list with little chance of success. reach the eligibility threshold.

Fortunately for her, Marie Toussaint is picking up voters from other former presidential candidates: 12% of those who voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2022 say they support the environmentalist list in the European elections. This is also the case for 4% of Emmanuel Macron’s voters and 2% of Valérie Pécresse’s voters.