The presidential camp has still not appointed its head of list to lead the campaign for the European elections, an election in which it plays a big role.

“Nothing is moving forward, no decision has been made,” an executive from Renaissance complained to Politico on Monday, February 12. Less than four months before the European elections, all the main French parties have named their head of list… except that of the head of state. Renaissance and its allies are still playing for time before officially launching the campaign. Monday evening, the party’s National Investiture Commission (CNI) which was to meet was postponed. Enough to postpone the decision a little longer.

The hypotheses follow one another: Olivier Véran, Bruno Le Maire, Julien Denormandie… The latter clearly dismissed the question on Tuesday February 13 on Sud Radio, ensuring that a candidacy on his part was “not at all relevant “. Another name is circulating, that of the former Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian. A possibility which would be favored by Emmanuel Macron, according to information from Politico.

However, according to the media, the party has made progress on other elements of the campaign: a slogan is in the drawers, as well as strategic ideas and even some potential dates for meetings. All that’s missing is a list and someone to lead it. Why such a wait? “This suggests that Macron doesn’t care a bit about the head of the list because he considers that it is he and Attal who will lead the battle,” said a figure from a party allied to Renaissance.

However, the task is not easy for the presidential camp, as these European elections approach. The Macronist list, whoever the candidate is at its head, is given between 18 and 19% in the latest Ifop-Fiducial poll, published on Sunday. Or 10 points behind that of the National Rally, led by Jordan Bardella.