“To guarantee security”, the Republicans proposed a set of measures to Emmanuel Macron. In “Le JDD”, this Sunday, May 5, the president of the right-wing party, Eric Ciotti, returns to what he describes as a “real revolution”.

“I propose a real revolution in security”, a “kind of shock of authority and severity”. The guiding line of the twenty-five measures proposed to Emmanuel Macron by Les Républicains is explicit. According to the president of the right-wing party, this plan aims to stem the violence which has increased over the years.

“Every day in France, 1,000 people are victims of intentional assault and battery,” assured Eric Ciotti in an exclusive interview with JDD this Sunday, May 5. That is to say “a near doubling since 2012” and “entire neighborhoods have become lawless zones handed over to drug traffickers”, he lamented, asserting that Emmanuel Macron’s record in terms of security was the “worst of the Fifth Republic.

In the letter addressed to the Head of State, the Republicans reveal a whole arsenal of measures and say they are ready to work with the Government to put them in place. They propose in particular to lock down neighborhoods day and night by the police, to lower the criminal age to 16 years, to eliminate family allowances for “parents who fail in their educational duties” or even to implement place short sentences and the return of minimum sentences.

“Our concrete, substantiated and responsible proposals are on the table,” he declared, firmly awaiting the President’s response. “If red lines are crossed”, the leader of the right does not rule out voting for a motion of censure against the Government, even if it comes from the extreme right.