ENERGY BOOST. The Île-de-France Region is providing aid of €250 for certain households in order to compensate for the rise in energy prices. Who is concerned ? What are the terms? Explanations.

A new aid check for the most modest households! Or rather, a “boost”. This time, it is not the government but the Île-de-France Region which announced, this Wednesday, May 31, 2023, to set up a system to allow the most deprived families in the region to meet their living expenses. energy by granting them €250. Additional financial support which must be definitively approved by a vote on Thursday June 1 and which will not cost the community one euro. It is indeed thanks to the European Social Fund (ESF) that the administration chaired by Valérie Pécresse will finance this aid. This device comes in addition to the energy check, issued by the State between May 9 and 12 to eligible Ile-de-France residents, but its amount is fixed and the ceiling is raised in relation to government aid.

The Region has specified the conditions to be met to benefit from this system and not all Ile-de-France residents will be eligible for this aid. The tax income of the household must not exceed €14,802 (this therefore excludes households paid minimum wage in 2022). According to the calculations of the services of the Region, 160,000 tax households should benefit from this aid. A simulator will be put online on July 1, on the Regional Council’s website, to check its eligibility.

For people who can claim this energy “boost”, it will however be necessary to start some administrative procedures. The payment will not be automatic, specified Valérie Pécresse. It is online that you will have to complete your file, which should only require “few coins” according to the president because it will be attached to France Connect, the system allowing you to centralize many household data.

At this stage, the Île-de-France Region has not indicated in what time frame, once the file is completed, this new aid will be paid into the accounts of eligible Ile-de-France residents. However, the budget for this “boost” from a European aid fund to be used before the end of 2023, the payments should be rapid.