In an interview given to “La Tribune Dimanche”, this May 5, Emmanuel Macron takes stock after seven years at the Elysée. From the passage of pension reform to shocking turns of events, the head of state concedes “many errors”.

Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron will celebrate his seven years at the Elysée. While he still has three years left in power, the Head of State welcomed an assessment of which the French “do not yet perceive all the changes” in a long interview given to La Tribune on Sunday, this 5 may.

He nevertheless conceded “numerous errors”. “But who can say, in politics as in life, that he never commits one?” he asked, returning to his “words […] which could have been misinterpreted and hurtful”. He refers in particular to his phrase about “people who succeed and those who are nothing”. “That doesn’t help the Schmilblick move forward. So, honestly, I regret them. You have to have the humility to learn along the way,” he explained.

The President of the Republic also said he regretted not having succeeded in passing the point-based pension reform promised during the first five-year term, believing “that it is an element which would have profoundly changed things”.

Suggesting that he would be in favor of the possibility of serving more than two mandates as provided for in the Constitution, Emmanuel Macron said he still wanted to complete “many files” and “open others”. By the end of his second five-year term in 2027, he has set four priorities: the reindustrialization of the country, the rearmament of public services, the increase in the budgets of the sovereign ministries (Army, Justice, Interior) and the ecological transition .