The promotion of the book by Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès’ sister, Christine, reshuffled the cards in the investigators’ research. Three testimonies establish a link between photos of the fugitive, and a man, “Jean”, met in March in Doubs.

Photos leading to new reports. Wanted for 13 years, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès (XDDL) was reportedly seen in Doubs last March. Indeed, three people made a report after coming across a certain “Jean”, resembling XDDL, in the convent of a community of Dominican sisters of Béthanie, in Montferrand-le-Château, near Besançon. The latter consider it “possible” that the crossed individual is XDDL. And these are photos which would have completely shaken up the investigation, at the release of the book by Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès’ sister, Christine.

On March 13, 2024, the book “Xavier, my brother, presumed innocent” was released in bookstores by Harper Collins, written by Christine Dupont de Ligonnès and her husband, Bertram de Verdun. In this work, they propose a sort of counterattack to established facts. For Christine, it is only a set-up and her brother is innocent. With this book, she offers a completely different look at the most wanted man in France in recent years. She endeavors to reconstruct the events and highlight the inconsistencies of the investigation. Without a trial, she denies that her brother is guilty.

The publication of the book, in mid-March, is a highlight. On this occasion, photos are published. And everything starts from there, everything gets carried away. Three members of the community of Dominican Sisters of Bethany, who saw these photos, seem to make the connection between XDDL, and Jean, the man seen in the prayer group. As a reminder, a member of the group had welcomed “Jean” for a night at his home. The latter, who says he belonged to the Word of Life community, dissolved in July 2023 for spiritual abuse and control phenomena, was also invited for the next two nights to another member’s house. He left, as quickly as he arrived, on March 12, 2024.

On April 4, L’Est Républicain then revealed the testimonies of these members to the Besançon gendarmes concerning the resemblance between a certain “Jean” and Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. The latter also had in their possession a can from which Jean drank, “as well as sheets” specifies Paris Match. This is why DNA samples could lift the veil on years of doubt. They will be analyzed by the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie (IRCGN). The results will be known within a fortnight and will make it possible to confirm whether or not XDDL is still alive.

Since the first article in L’Est Républicain, the Besançon gendarmes have received a whopping 170 new calls reporting Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès in the surrounding area. Today, it is clear that at least one of them was taken seriously.