In the district of Günzburg has occurred a rear-end collision, after a 25-Year-old had come into a Skid. Five people were injured.

Burgau – In the case of a rear-end collision on highway 8 in the district of Günzburg has injured five people. A 25-year-old driver wanted to overtake Saturday night at the height of Burgau, the car a in front of your moving car driver, the police announced on Sunday. Because they have a blue saw, however, according to the police, the front light broke off the Overtaking and braked heavily.

driver device A8 in the case of Burgau into a Skid

Thus, she came into a Spin and the car in front of her. The car spun several times and crashed into the guard rail. Five people were in the two cars were slightly injured. For more information on the parties involved in the accident could not make the police first.

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