Even more generous than last year… While in 2020, the generosity of the French had reached a historic level, 2021 is doing even better. According to the latest barometer of France generosities, donations have further increased by 4.5% in 2021. of the COVID-19 crisis”, highlights France generosities, which is based on data from 56 associations and foundations.
The amount of average donations is on the rise, regardless of the method of payment: 81 euros for checks, an increase of 6.4% compared to 2020. Online donations reach 133 euros (3.7%) and direct debits, 149 euros with an increase of 2%.
Donations that have increased but have also become digital. In 2021, 40% of the amounts of donations received by associations and foundations are made by direct debit (compared to 34% in 2012) and these donations have grown by more than 8% between 2020 and 2021. “French donors, like in all their daily activities, have been able to adapt and digitize their consumption habits,” explains France Générosités. Online donations have also increased by 48% in 2 years.
But behind this increase in the average amount of donations and their digitization hides a structural difficulty: associations are struggling to find new donors, who have fallen by 9% between 2011 and 2021. “The growth of generosity is driven by a hard core loyal donors to associations who increase their average individual donation each year, but we are on a rather worrying underlying trend. If it is always the same people who give a little more, we will end up heading towards a drop in generosity, ”laments Nolwenn Poupon, director of studies and communication at France generosities.
To try to stem this phenomenon, France generosities wishes to develop the donations of CP and RTT from employees for the benefit of non-profit organizations but also to make French people aware of the various associations that exist thanks to the new platform infodon.fr which provides information on all forms of generosity. Indeed, according to the Observatoire du Don en Confiance, 14% of French people do not donate to associations and foundations because they do not know to which cause and which association to give.