How to optimize your choices in Parcoursup? Linternaute offers you with SupEasy a new tool allowing you to estimate your chances, according to your profile, in the targeted sectors.

[Updated March 6, 2023 at 4:22 p.m.] How to maximize your chances of entering a course that you really like after obtaining the baccalaureate? Final year students wishing to begin higher education must finalize their wishes on the Parcoursup platform before March 10, 2023. And it must be said that despite all the advice given by their teachers and the teaching teams at their disposal in their high school, there has an element that is difficult to grasp: the chances of being admitted to a post-baccalaureate course. Knowing what level is required to aim for a preparatory class, a license, a BTS, a DUT, etc… is however particularly useful; this makes it possible to target with more relevance the most appropriate courses at his level.

Now, thanks to SupEasy and Linternaute, it is finally possible to assess one’s chances and measure the level of selectivity of a targeted post-baccalaureate training. The SupEasy team, formed by higher education teachers who have become Parcoursup experts, has developed a very intuitive platform to help students in their career choices. Developed in partnership with Linternaute, here is a simulator allowing you to know your chances in a sector, according to your baccalaureate and your level, and thus to optimize your wishes, without overestimating or underestimating yourself.

All you have to do is enter into the tool the average that you think you will obtain in the baccalaureate this year, enter your sector and test the choices of higher education: you thus obtain the access rate of the establishments in the sector and thus a precise idea of ??their selectivity. Your chances of admission are given via the weather icons: with for each choice:

The simulator also makes it possible to know what is the average grade of students who have entered the course in the past. Be careful, however, some courses also take into account other important criteria, such as the specialties chosen in the baccalaureate, the marks in certain specific subjects, and the assessments of the student’s motivation and personality: the tool here gives estimates based on available objective data.

For more advice on post-baccalaureate courses and career choices, visit the Supeasy website! You will find many decryptions from statistics on the Parcoursup platform, very useful for making your choices. Linternaute also offers you a complete article on everything you need to have in mind about Parcoursup 2023 and the good reflexes to adopt at each stage of the calendar.