Two hundred personalities called for a major mobilization against the immigration law from January. Marches will be organized throughout the country.

Opponents of the immigration law have not said their last word. The bill carried by Gérald Darmanin was adopted on December 19 by Parliament but the mobilization continues for its detractors, while a decision from the Constitutional Council is expected on January 25. Two hundred personalities from the trade union, associative and artistic world have signed a call to demonstrate on January 21 throughout France, against this law voted together in the Assembly by the presidential majority, the Republicans and the National Rally.

A march to say that “this is not what France is”, declared Sophie Binet on Wednesday January 10 on Franceinfo. The general secretary of the CGT, signatory of the appeal, indicated that the gathering places would soon be listed on an internet site, Demonstrations are planned in Paris and other mainland cities. Sophie Binet spoke of an appeal “unprecedented in the image of the seriousness of this law, in rupture with the identity of our Republic”, denouncing a law which returns to “the law of the soil, which dates from the French Revolution , and the right to social security and the universality of protection, which dates from the National Council of the Resistance in 1945”.

Among the signatories of this call for the January 21 demonstration, we find trade unionists, like Sophie Binet (CGT) and Marylise Léon (CFDT), politicians like the communist Fabien Roussel, artists like Josiane Balasko and Marina Foïs, intellectuals like Pierre Rosanvallon and Cédric Villani, as well as members of associations such as Secours Catholique and SOS Racisme.

The signatories denounce a law “drafted under the dictation of hate mongers who dream of imposing their project of ‘national preference’ on France.” They call to “manifest in our diversity our attachment to the motto of the Republic: Liberty, equality, fraternity”.